Monday, October 23, 2006

We outran the plague

We're back, I'm happy to say, both from vacation and from pestilence (at least temporarily). The vacation was great, the pestilence was...well, pestilential. We are officially free of all forms of infection, all antibiotics, and all horrifying gastro-intestinal displays. Hurray!

Our trip to South Carolina was a mini time-travel back to summer. The air was balmy when it wasn't downright hot, and we soaked up the sunshine and the family time. Driving back up I-95 on our way home was like watching autumn fly by in time stop photography. We started with green palm trees and progressed through yellow leaves in North Carolina, orange leaves in Virginia, and home to technicolor trees and chilly breezes in Maryland. The kids did amazingly well in the car, minus one impressively sustained 1.5 hour screamfest by girly at the end of our trip home. All in all, it was a wonderful break from daily life.

I thought of a million posts while we were gone, but have to ease my way back in. I will close here with my two favorite recent personal accomplishments:

1) I am one of only THREE people remaining in my father-in-law's Last Man Standing football pool. This is especially impressive when you realize that I made my last pick entirely because seeing "NY Jets" made me start singing "when you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way..." from West Side Story. Sorry, Sal, but you can't compete with my psychic football powers. Might as well write me that check right now.

2) I finished knitting a wool diaper cover! The picture is still on another computer, but I'll upload it when it's available. I am currently finishing a pair of wool pants (for baby girl) of my own design. My husband is so pleased that my quickchange obsessiveness has moved from cloth diapers to knitting!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! And by the way.. Mike loves West Side Story.

cole edwards said...

I have seen them and they are impressive!

I want a pair. Pants, not diaper covers. When do I get my knitting lesson?

xx Glad you are back. Alden has not stopped talking about Bina and Dimon and Owie and Jussin.

Megan said...

Yay for being plague-free! You must've sent it west.