Thursday, October 05, 2006

Free time! (?)

My 5 year old is in full-day kindergarten and the 3 year old is in preschool two days a week for 2.5 hours. I had/have delusions that I would use this blessedly nearly-child-free time to accomplish great things, like cleaning and grocery shopping (my dreams are small, but they are mine). Sadly, and perhaps predictably, it's been a month since the new schedule started, and I am currently sitting on my couch, in pjs, eating "fun size" candy bars (whee! they're fun! it says so on the package!), updating my home information on Zillow (I love Zillow!) and watching House on Tivo (I love House!). Amazing how I can enjoy myself so much despite having to acknowledge that I am the human slug.


jackie said...

you still have two babies at home! fun-size candy bars is exactly what you should be spending your time on!

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's David from

THANKS for updating your home's facts!

Megan said...

I still don't see what's "fun" about a freakishly small candy bar. I think it's much more fun to eat the ones you need a forklift to carry.