Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My own human shield

I wish I could post with my mind. I have vague recollections of having absolutely brilliant ideas for posts at times not conducive to typing (read: nearly always), but when I actually sit down in front of the computer, my mind reverts to its typical blank slate state.

I must therefore resort to just telling you all about my plans for the day. I am either a hero or a glutton for punishment - I have just dressed myself and the 3 littlest kids (big boy is in kindergarten, hurray!) and am going out by myself to a singalong. Also, I stink, because I couldn't quite figure out how to take a shower without having my 3 year old draw all over the twins with markers. However! All of the kids look absolutely adorable, so I will have a human shield of cute on my outing.

The natural thing to do here would be to take and post a picture of said human shield, but this has taken forever to write already, and frankly I've lost interest. I think this blog would be more entertaining if I were capable of coherent thought or attention spans of more than a minute.


jackie said...

All four of you looked adorable!