Monday, August 21, 2006

Definition of Insanity

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, then raising children is literally insane. Bedtime, for example - you set up a routine and follow it religiously despite the fact that it NEVER WORKS, and you follow it and follow it and don't alter a single solitary thing and you just keep on doing the same freaking thing night after night after night and THEN (in theory), they suddenly associate the routine with sleep and poof, they go to bed like human beings instead of cats in a bag destined for the bottom of a river.

All the child-rearing books I've read emphasize consistency - consistency of routine, of discipline, of positive feedback - but isn't "be consistent" just another way of saying "do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?" Yeah, I thought so. So, child-rearing experts, you're actually PRESCRIBING INSANITY. Just so you know.

I have to go make dinner so it's ready at the normal dinner time so my kids have a routine framework in which to grow, theoretically, into rational human beings. Wish me luck.


cole edwards said...

so, the obvious question, is that why you keep having them? one time it will be right.


BTW, a small school bus came up the road while we waited for you to take us to our picnic location and D says, "oh look, Debbi's here."

Can I just mention again, that honestly you look smaller and smaller every single time I see you? fab darling, fab. you are always pretty.

Anonymous said...

I fear that is less the definition of insanity than it is of stupidity. Trust me, I'm intimately familiar with the term. :-)

Anonymous said...

OK - very spooky. I have been discussing "insanity" with Jim lately and then I look at your post and you've been thinking about insanity. Get out of my head...