Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The balance of things

Some days, like today, convince me that we each are allocated our daily lot of suck, and that if one area improves (or worsens), there is a proportional decrease (or increase) of suck in another area.

A fairly average day for me lately, for comparison's sake:
Sleep - virtually none
Health - fine except for the aforementioned no sleep
Big kids' behavior - 6-7 on a scale of 1-10
Babies' cuteness - 10
Fun activity level - 2

Today's tally:
Sleep - almost literally none (it's a subtle distinction, but has an exponential impact on the total)
Health - desperately ill (this may be a slight exagerration, as I'm fairly certain it's just a cold, but I seem to have bubble-boy style immunity due to the no sleep, so it seems to be racing toward pneumonia)
Big kids' behavior - inexplicably, 9!
Babies' cuteness - 10 (some things never change)
Fun activity level - 8

So, if we review, I seem to have exchanged good physical health for good behavior and a fun outing. Doesn't seem like such a bad trade, when I put it that way. Still, in general I think the normal way of things is best for every day, as I miss breathing, and the insides of my face itch.


cole edwards said...

As I said to you on the phone, your life is ALL about sucking...the babies sucking the life right out of you. I don't think you start to loose brain cells by BF until they hit the one year mark and then they start taking your 2 1/2 I feel as though she is taking my soul. Such a BF advocate am I this morning.