Thursday, August 03, 2006

Welcome to the zoo

The twins had a bad night, though not in a useful Timmy's-in-the-well (or the-fridge-is-on-the-blink) fashion this time, just to satisfy their infantile sense of humor. As a result, I'm only now at noon easing into the day. It doesn't feel worth it to even get going when you get up this late, especially when it's already over 100 outside. I was actually contemplating the pool (to the extent of shaving acres of flabby white legs in preparation), then realized my baby friends would fry like little strips of bacon in this heat. So, housebound we shall remain, except for a short (hopefully short) jaunt to the pediatrician to confirm what I suspect is rapidly becoming a 3 person bout of thrush. Because my sleep deprivation was getting lonely and needed some pain to keep it company.

Isn't it amazing how much we love our kids when they try so hard to kill us? I just went to the kitchen for a drink (sadly nonalcoholic) and came back to find girl twin sucking earnestly on the cheek of boy twin while he shrieked helplessly. So funny (to me, obviously not to boy twin). And now, my almost 3 year old is serenading the twins to the accompaniment of a broken toy guitar, naked as a jaybird (he has mastered pulling his pants DOWN to use the bathroom, but not pulling them back UP). Last night, my two big boys put on temporary tattoos and then strutted around the room, striking bodybuilder poses and growling "let's get ROCKIN'" over and over. It's a little like living in an asylum and a lot like living in a zoo - lots of bodily fluid cleanup, lots of staring at the residents and wondering what motivates their bizarre behavior.


Keith said...

to confirm that we are indeed in each other's head, my draft post title from last night is "The Zoo with the Animals" to distinguish it from the public place people go to. I also debated "Six Kid Circus", but it sounds catchier if you only have three kids, instead.