Sunday, August 27, 2006

My husband's secret life

As anyone who has gone swimming with my family is aware, my husband is quite hirsute. So imagine my surprise last night when I discovered a 3" triangular patch of baldness in the middle of his back. Even more surprisingly, he doesn't know how it got there. Did he scratch himself while holding a razor? Did one of the boys get to him without his knowledge (although we are lax in some things, we do not let the boys play with razors, I swear). Is he having an affair and the other woman marked him as her territory by carving shapes in his body hair? The possibilities are...kind of the opposite of endless. I mean, how many ways can someone have their back shaved without their knowledge?


Andrew McAllister said...

Hmmm... Ummm... None.

To Love, Honor and Dismay

Gina said...

aliens, Debbi, aliens!

Megan said...

Probably one of those showers where he put shaving cream on his head and thought he was washing his back...