Saturday, December 30, 2006

Twin pictures

The babies are starting to think about crawling (let's just hope they're as slow to crawl as they are to sleep). They were exercising on their blanket after the big boys were safely in bed and out of stomping range last night, and I got these pictures. They're really starting to notice each other, and so far they seem to like each other. While we're wishing, let's wish for that to keep up, too.

This picture was cuter in the view finder, when I couldn't see the giant slobber in girly's mouth:

Girl kept leaning on Boy when she got tired. So cute.

I guess I'll keep them, after all.


Anonymous said...

They are so cute!

Anonymous said...

i love them!

Anonymous said...

So. damn. cute.

Too cute to eat. But they are delicious.

Anonymous said...

Exactly how did they get so big?? They are freakin' adorable!