Sunday, December 03, 2006

The toughest person on my Christmas list

We are pretty low on cash these days (translation: bordering on panic at our financial state), so we're trying to do Christmas frugally but while still enjoying the togetherness and joy, blah blah blah. We've had our tree up since October, actually (because that's when Tivoli visited and I always make her put it up), and I've almost finished all of our shopping, courtesy of a sharply curtailed list. All I really have left to do is provide our wish lists to my husband's family for their name draw, and for some reason this has me stymied. How is it possible that I am the hardest person for me to buy for? How is it possible that I am not correcting that atrocity of a sentence? Truly, I am exhausted.

My friend very kindly made me buy some clothes for myself last week (and none too soon, as the hem is ripping out of one of my two pairs of yoga pants, and the world does not need to see me naked these days), but that was the first time in ages that I've bought something for myself. All I can think of that I want is cloth diapers and yarn to make things for the kids. When did I become this person who doesn't want anything? It's very strange. All I buy for myself is food, and I buy altogether too much of that. I need to start channeling some of my eating money and energy into a healthier hobby. Like exercising. HA. My doctor actually asked me at my annual physical the other day if I've been exercising regularly. I guess my physique fooled him. I'm cracking myself up. The dumb shit even has twins himself, and still asked if I'm exercising. I'm barely breathing these days, I'm so beat. Idiot.

But back on topic - what the hell do I want for $40? Any suggestions? Anyone who knows me better than I do?


cole edwards said...

A beautiful silk scarf, like mine. SOmething pretty to put on with your winter coat OR a new winter coat...vintage would be cheap and funky and cute? I will take Keith shopping. I said it yesterday and meant it. Not that he NEEDS help, but if he wants it.

Jewelry always makes me feel nice too. A pedicure. A massage. Hmmmm. A pretty sweater (NOT black, please ;>) )

I am trying to think of something life altering and I can not. That is what you need. Sleep. Quiet. Routine. Rest. Peace.

I will wish those things for you , but sadly can not produce them. I would take Owen but that may break him further as it took him about 3 months to get over being sent to SC with your inlaws. Not that they were not super, but you are the mama. Mama's rule.

Anonymous said...

Books! You may not have the concentration or time to read them now, but that's ok because they keep. I always lose gloves and sunglasses, would they be good for you? How about a housecleaning by a professional!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sleeping pills for the babies!

Anonymous said...

BTW, I am NOT casting aspersions on Debbi's house! I don't think it needs cleaning! I meant anyone would love to have someone come clean for them. I have been putting my blog foot in my blog mouth this week.

Gina said...

OK, your doc with twins is a DAD, which is why he can even contemplate that you might have an exercise routine with twin infants.

i say ask for a gift certificate for a facial or pedicure. you get 1) time away 2) the obvious beautification and 3) a great relaxing mini-massage. and if you go to the right place, wine.

in fact, i say a bunch of us rent a hotel room with a hot tub and get a couple bottles of wine and hire someone to come give us facials and pedicures.

owen (or as sam says "little owen") can come hang out with us anytime. or we can come to you and you take a nap!