Sunday, December 03, 2006

This really dull post took forfreakingever to type

Wow, I haven't posted in days, who knew? Does it help that I've written oodles of posts in my head? That I, in fact, already mentally wrote this one, with a catchy title I can not now remember, and pithy wittiness that now escapes me? Pithy is a goofy word, and makes me feel lispy when I say it. Pithy, pithy, pithy. Also, I can't type it properly - instead, I type "pity" each and every time and have to go back and edit. See, this is not the post I wrote earlier, as this one sort of sucks.

I'm still on the loopier end of sleep deprived. The Geneva Convention definitely does not permit this kind of torture (or at least it did not before the current administration decided it doesn't so much apply to us), and I think someone should come charge my twins with war crimes. I had a couple better nights, but last night was the worst yet, and I have not even the slightest thought of getting dressed or trying to operate heavy machinery today. I did foolishly undertake a redesign of my boys' room, since my husband is here to help, and I have two smashed fingers to show for it. I am also planning to roast a chicken later (my dreams are lofty), and I just know I'm going to end up burning the crap out of myself. I'm clumsy enough without being exhausted, and I'm at the stage now where I can't remember which conversations I've had in real life versus those in dreams, I'm jumpy and paranoid, and I'm seeing colorful spots. And apparently I really can not type, as I've had to use the backspace more than the letter keys during this post. It's really annoying the crap out of me, so I'm going to stop writing now.