Thursday, December 28, 2006

Not that there's anything wrong with that

My five year old is having a play date with the love of his life. They met in preschool two years ago, and although they see each other infrequently, their love is true and persistent. They have been playing blissfully for 6 hours, and then the little girl came into the living room and had this conversation with my mother:

Girl: Does Justin have any father?
My mother: Yes, his daddy will be home from work soon.
(long pause)
Girl: Are you his mother too?
My mother, trying not to choke: No, I'm his grandma.

OMG I'm dying laughing. I have now been suspected of being in a lesbian relationship with my own mother.

Editing to add: try doing a google image search on "lesbians" sometimes (preferably not while working on a monitored network). Ha! I love it when what I'm looking for and what google thinks I'm looking for are not in sync.


Anonymous said...

It is a well rounded childhood that has a kid questioning the intricate relations in a household and not assuming they are the same as in her home. I think that is pretty cool.