Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An email from my father-in-law

My father-in-law, in an obvious (and successful) attempt to scar me for life, just sent me the following email:

In a recent article in the New England Medical Journal, it was confirmed the negative impact a lack of sex (LOS, as we call it in the other households) has on family life. In an earlier post, I think you compared SEX to SKYDIVING - OK for nuts like your F-I-L, but not for you. In this article, the confirmed ramifications: no sleep; kids get on your nerves; a heavy and ongoing appetite and breast infections. If I would have read the entire article, I might have found the part about Chevy Venture electrical car failure! Advice: Do what you have to do to take one for the team - happier husband, cure your 3 year old acting like a terrorist, twins content at the breasts - and lower food budget. Do what it takes to resolve this untenable situation! Also, give some props to the Rav-4.

I laughed until I had tears in my eyes, but how am I supposed to face him at Christmas now??? And do you the last sentence means that he thinks I should have sex with the RAV? And what the hell was he doing reading medical journals, anyway? So many questions, so little opportunity to erase this from my memory.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I hate to be annoying since you don't know me, but I saw on a past post you give Weffriddles help.
lol I'm new at it (started yesterday) and am now on Level 40 and stuck. The Weff forum is no help since they cleared it of old posts, and I'd love it if you could help me (if you still are, that is).
I know what GORP is, but I'm stuck after that. I'd like a really good big hint, not the answer, but nothing too vague.
Thanks, I appreciate it! :P


If you're no longer giving help or just don't like me, feel free to delete this comment lol. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

I hope you haven't emailed me yet considering you just posted a new entry to your blog.
Well, I figured it out! lol.
It's that whole "post and ye shall receive" kinda thing. Ah well.

Thanks if you do email me anyway, that's nice of you. ^_^

Have a nice day..

cole edwards said...

I love Sal. I think it is the cult of the penis that drives him to compell you to "take one for the team" and have sex with his son. maybe?

He has been childless (childcare, that is...) for so long now, maybe he has forgotten what that is like? Although it is VASTLY different for mothers than fathers when it comes to the stress of childcare. Absence makes the mind forget,maybe?

Maybe at his age, sex is really important, like it is when you are in your 20's without children.

I will dream of a time when I don't have small people bugging me and I can think about my sex life again.

It is nice that he cares so much. I love Sal. He's nuts. The coconut doesn't fall from the tree, (hint) why I also love Keith. He is crazy too.

Anonymous said...

Keith....did you have something to do with this?

Anonymous said...

That is really friggin' bizarre! On many levels!