After much gentle persistence from my friend Cole, I attended her Pilates class yesterday. She's a really good instructor - so good, in fact, that I didn't hate her during the class or even afterward. Until today, when my muscles recovered from the shock of their exertion and started screaming every time I lifted a glass of wine to my lips. Nothing should interfere with Wine Wednesdays. Still, I have to admit the class was effective if it hurts this much, so I'll probably go back next week. Or the week after.
On my way to the Pilates class, I called my husband to brag about using the gym for the FOURTH TIME in only 3 months of membership, bringing our cost-per-use down dramatically. His response was:
"Pilates? Is that a new store?"
Dude...we will so rock Swan Lake this summer. MILF...? You have the boobs for it!
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