Thursday, April 19, 2007

Voice recognition (helllllllllloooo, computer)

This is a test of the Vista speech recognition software's dictation function. I am going to type this, then read it to the voice recognizer thing. Then I will post the original and the one voice recognition took from dictation. You be the judge - is the technology mature? Should I let my finger muscles atrophy with my abs?

(Here's what Vista came up with from dictation):
This is a tax and business beach recognition software to teach an option. I'm going to take bids, then read it to the waist recognizer thing. Then I will close the original and one voice recognition took on DT said. Newbie the giants point and use the technology mature? Should I let my finger muscles atrophy with my hands?

Stephen Hawking, I have bad news for you.

By the way, I'm digging those Mac commercials.


Jeff said...

Vista? I cannot believe you are still using that piece of crap. Good thing you're sexy!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's your thick, Bawlmer accent that's confusing the software. Just a thought....