Thursday, April 12, 2007

Seeing things

I was reading Snow White to my 5 year old yesterday (that's a whole other post - my husband's ex-wife edited this copy of Snow White in an effort to remove all traces of sexism - it's interesting and amusing to see what she cut, and to realize that you can't really make Snow White into a strong woman story by changing adjectives, and this is the longest parenthetical ever), and I started seeing lights, mostly in front of my left eye. It got worse fast, and pretty soon it seemed like a dozen fiber optic lights were between me and my field of vision, and I couldn't read the words on the page any more (the originals OR the suggested alternatives). My head didn't hurt yet, but I remembered my grandmother talking about seeing lights before her migraines, so I took advil, turned off the lights, and laid down. About 10 minutes later, the headache moved in and I can hardly even remember the next couple hours. My poor husband came home and took care of all 6 kids while I lay in the dark, whining intermittently. It eased up some after the kids went to bed (all things considered, it was a nicely-timed headache), but it still hurts some this morning and I really didn't care for the am-I-dying weird light thing. I'm guessing it was a migraine, and I'm hoping it was an isolated incident.

And now, for your entertainment, one of the edited passages from Snow White:

"Snow White ran faster and faster, and when she could run no more, she fell to the ground and began to weep rested."

Because, you know, weeping is girly and weak. Men don't weep. Or something. I bet they don't get migraines, either. I feel like a stronger woman already, just from reading the amended version. Censorship now!


Anonymous said...

Hate migraines. I get what looks like a jagged piece of multi colored stained glass that slowly jiggles it's way across my field of vision. Once it's gone, the headache starts. Almost as bad is the post migraine hangover the next day. Mine seem to be hormonally might want to start a headache log with what you ate that day and the time of the month...