Monday, April 02, 2007

Milk as an action verb

My three year old is fascinated by nursing, and has transformed "milk" into a verb. In a game he's playing with my mother, he just told her he would be "Loop Skywalker" and for her role...well, I'll use his words:

"Yer the mom, you can milk!"

Light saber versus milk, it's an epic contest.

Having just been given the role of Dad, I asked the boy:

Me: What do dads do?
3 year old: Work.
Me: What do moms do?
3 year old: Play.

I knew I had the better deal.


Anonymous said...

I think you are over looking a true career calling and all you have to do is lactate...don't they have wet nurses anymore? OR a fabulous job in fetish porn.OR you could make cheese and ice cream for those who are lactose intolerant?

I am sort of trying to tie the milk powers with the career choices.

Keeping your options open.

Anonymous said... favorite noun as a verb is (using it in a sentence...)

"I must nap Princess Chica Poo or she will be more horrid than usual."


Anonymous said...

"Doctor" is currently a verb here and we get a lot of "yers" too. Roo is totally into playing with her drs. kit since her 2yo check up with our ped, Dr. Julie. Here's a sample: "Hi! I'm Dr. Julie. I doctor you. Yer sick? Yer need a shot today? Ok, there, yer all set!"