Thursday, September 07, 2006

Technology clairvoyance and upcoming indolence

I just typed clairvoyance about 6 times and then looked it up to make sure I was spelling it right and I am and still it looks weird to me. Hate it when words lose all meaning through overuse.

Where was I? Oh, right. My husband and I chat via gmail's IM frequently throughout each weekday. I love having that nearly-constant connection without worrying that I'm interrupting (as he can ignore me if necessary). I was sitting in the living room with my mother today and my husband messaged me something about this weekend, so I said to my mother, "Keith said no to tomorrow night." She looked a little startled, and I realized that to the outside observer, I was just sitting still and not interacting with anyone in any way. I've always wanted to be telepathic, and I think I may just have identified my substitute - I can channel people through my IM client. Behold my power.

You may be suspecting by now that I'm a wee bit punchy, and boy would you be right. Whatever hormones or post-baby euphoria has been buoying (damn, had to spellcheck that one, too, I don't trust myself anymore) me up since July has left the building, and I feel flat as a pancake. I've got nothing left, but funnily enough that doesn't stop the obligations from knocking at my door - I thought opportunity was meant to knock. Today was a whirlwind of doctor's appointments and errands and kids' activities. I am totally and completely wiped out, but I also did everything I needed to do, so tomorrow is slated to be my long-awaited and desperately needed day of veg. I plan to stay in pajamas all day, speak in monosyllables, and watch really vacuous television. It's not sleep, but it sounds pretty damn good, and I'm sure my fellow Baltimoreans will appreciate my absence from local roadways. I'm enough of a menace well-rested.