Monday, September 25, 2006

Multigenerational living at its finest

It flies in the face of logic and reasonable expectation, but I love having my mother live with us. I'm not even just saying that because she reads this blog (hi mom!). She is funny and loving and incredibly, life-savingly helpful. However...sometimes, she's disturbing. As in this scene from a moment ago:

Me: I just dropped peanut butter on my toe. [not the point, move on]
Mom, to my husband: Keith, you have to lick Debbi's toes tonight.
Me: That? Is just disturbing. On several levels.
Mom: How else are you going to clean your feet? (pause) I like to be disturbing.

Little known facts about me:

  1. I hate having my feet touched, or even looked at.
  2. Unlike my friend Christina, I do not wash my feet before bed (nor do I have them licked).
  3. My mother is insane.

Actually, upon further reflection, I think #3 is becoming a fairly well-established fact.


Anonymous said...

Ha. I've realized that when the weather starts getting cooler and my precious bare feet no longer touch scary, yucky floors and ground the nightly washing ritual decreases significantly. I'm not a TOTAL freak!

Keith said...

For the record I did not lick, nor have I ever licked a woman's toes. I did bite Justin's big toe the other night when we were wrestle-fighting, but he had me pinned and I couldn't do anything else to get him off me.

Nina, it tasted like cheese with a rootbeer chaser. Swear to god it did.

Megan said...

OMG, I LOVE having my toes sucked! It's sometimes even better than sex! ;-p

And how, exactly, does one drop peanut butter on their toe in the first place?