Monday, August 29, 2005

I'm back!

I've been busy as hell this past week, but I'm back to my life of slovenly leisure now, so look forward to more scintillating posts about nothing! Last week the weather actually did not suck, so I took the opportunity to go (gasp) out w/my kids nearly every day. This week, the weather feels like a hot, wet blanket, and the bugs are so thick in my back yard that my 2yo cried and clung to me when I tried to let him play today, so the living room it is. I clean as fast as I can but realized at one point today that they are just capable of destroying faster than I am capable of cleaning, so I gave it up as a bad job and resigned myself to living like an animal in a cage until the weather turns again.

In other news, I finished three (3!) knitting projects and am on my 4th. Take that, everyone who thinks I don't finish things (oh, wait, that includes me)! AND, I got my passport in the mail. Whoop! Now if I can just get over the fact that there are fatal airplane crashes in the news every. day, I can really get excited about my Italy trip!

My latest in a rapid-fire string of obsessions is couponing and the Grocery Game (as seen recently on the Today show). Last week, I saved 40%, this week my goal is to save at least 60%. Very, very odd to have grocery shopping as a highlight of my week, but that just goes to show you how far a road I've traveled this year. Whether that road leads anywhere remains to be seen.

My heart is driving me crazy again w/palpitations, and since my doctors seem incredibly unconcerned, I have had to resort to self-diagnosis via the Internet. My leading contender at this point is mitral valve prolapse - I like it for several reasons, not least of which is that it requires no treatment and is rarely very dangerous.


Anonymous said...

I especially like the symptom of "low tolerance for exercise." Heh.