As I was typing about my love of stationery, I noticed that boy twin's bib is embroidered and realized that I also love embroidery. What other weird things do I love? I decided to try to compile a list. I keep evaluating my mother's sanity (unasked and unwanted though my evaluation may be), so it's time to turn the lens on myself.
I love:
Stationery (not just the stuff itself but its quirky spelling)
Batting (I didn't realize just how strong this was until I went through the attic recently and discovered no fewer than 8 bags of the stuff. I could upholster a....hey, a room. A padded room. Well, there's MY next home improvement project.)
Cloth diapers (there is a LONG post on these brewing, I warn you now - best of all, naturally, are embroidered cloth diapers)
Old timey photos
The Importance of Being Earnest, the old film version (we used to watch this and Anne of Green Gables every year at Christmas, so I think of them as Christmas movies, is that weird?)
Pottery (but I never know what to do with it once I have it)
Baskets (ditto the above)
That's all I can come up with off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more. Maybe it's not a good idea to look too closely inside one's own head. Oh, hey, that's my blog name! I knew that phrase sounded familiar.
I'm going to go knit now and contemplate the possibility that my keel isn't entirely back to even just yet.
ETA: Doing taxes, paying bills, and lace! I knew I was forgetting some!
I LOVE Skeeball. Just thinking of it, in fact, makes me want to drive to the Ocean City boardwalk right now. 'Cause what could be more heavenly than Skeeball, Thrasher's french fries and briney air? Other, I mean, than paying bills?
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