Friday, November 17, 2006

My emotion chip is busted

Spike TV reran the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation series while I was on bedrest and maternity leave with my eldest, and I saw every one, plus the movies. This may qualify as another odd-thing-I-love, so technically my overabundance of posts this evening are thematically linked. Anyway, one of my favorite TNG moments is when Data the android's emotion chip breaks, and his emotions go haywire. If you missed it in the movie, I could set up a webcam now and you could see my live reenactment, as I have run the gamut today and am currently laughing to the point of literal tears.

The cause of the hilarity is my five-year-old's sudden realization that getting a big fat man laden with toys down a chimney could be problematic, logistically. The conversation went something like this:

Boy: How does Santa get inside with the toys?
Me: He comes down the chimney.
Boy: Where does the chimney go?
Me: He comes out the fireplace (at this point, my mouth was already starting to twitch its impending betrayal).
Boy - runs to front room to inspect fireplace, is gone easily three full minutes, comes running back: There's no WAY Santa can get in there!

At this point, I glanced at my husband and promptly burst into gales of laughter, complete with tears. Boy proceeded to speculate that Santa may have a "pull up thing" and asked his father repeatedly to show him "where the chimney is in the fireplace."

This is almost certainly not nearly as funny to you all, but I'm still in hysterics. Kids are so dumb.


Anonymous said...

Not dumb, just trusting to a frightening degree.