Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Walking in the shoes of an addict

Not that I didn't believe in addiction before, but I have now encountered a force more powerful and compelling than blogging, eating well, paying attention to my children, obsessing about election fraud, even sleeping. If you value your sanity and your free time, do NOT click this link:

Curses to you, developers of weffriddles and enablers Megan and Keith. Curses.

In other news - if I can tear myself away from the internet-crack that is weffriddles, I have to go to court in the morning to contest our most recent batch of environmental fines. I'm pretty nervous about it, as I'm guessing that shouting "the cops aren't a homeowner's association, how about they stop harassing me and work on fighting actual crime" will not get me off the hook for the fines.

And in case I wasn't bitter enough about the Baltimore PD, today when I picked up my son from school, there was a police car in the usual pile-up of double-parked assholes in front of the school. I thought, "Oh, good! The cops are finally doing something about this street being totally blocked twice a day for 30 minutes!" But no, as it turns out, the cop was himself picking up a child, and the police car was just sitting there like the others, hazards on, blocking traffic, while he did so. Must be nice to be above the law!

Back to the riddles...

ETA: Lest you think this time has been totally wasted, I'm up to level 43. I fucking rock.


MamaNiger said...

I just figured it out after looking at it briefly 3 times. I'm on level 3. woo hoo. now i have a meeting.