Saturday, November 11, 2006

I am the best stepmother ever

According to my stepdaughter, shown here, who also said "I love you from here to the sun and back again."

In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that I had just given her the large super-cool homemade (not by me) dollhouse shown in the background of this picture.

I'm on a roll with the children. Yesterday, I asked the 5 year old, also shown here, what he would wish for if he could have anything at all. His answer? "I don't need anything but you to be happy." I actually teared up.

More recent pictures, since I finally remembered to upload them:

Girl twin, aka the prettiest pretty princess, age 4 months:

Boy twin, sporting his fancy diaper and tattooed stomach:

3 year old, aspiring soccer star:

The 7 year old seems to have avoided the camera this round, I'll be sure to target him for next time. Back later with a story of my evening's adventure to the dollar store - it was more eventful than I had anticipated.


cole edwards said...

I love Simon. I am had a nap. Come over.Bring liquor. There is nothing good on TV and I have resorted to straightening up the house and making tea.
