Friday, November 17, 2006

I love it when bad things happen to bad people

I only truly hate two people in the whole world. Okay, three if you count George Bush, but a) I'm not sure he's really so much a person as an evil creature whose corporeal being has been trapped in a painting in exchange for his immortal soul, and b) mercifully, I don't know him personally. So, I only truly hate two people I actually know. I can't go into details, because I don't want to unduly offend people I DO like who just have a blind spot where one or both of these two blights on humanity are concerned, but one of them has been painting him/herself into a corner in a way that makes me a real believer in karma, and new evidence of said corner-painting has just come to life. And it makes me very, very happy. Schadenfreude, thy name is - well, me.

In other news - my violent mood swings seem to be dying down a bit, and everyone in my household is still alive and speaking to me, so I should begin a public speaking tour on self-control immediately. I actually showered, dressed, and left the house today. Yay me! The tutoring thing isn't working out after all, as the company in question has decided to require teacher's certificates for tutors they pay peanuts (even by teachers' standards), and my education came to an abrupt and almost certainly permanent halt the moment I had my bachelor's degree in my hot little hands. I was never really cut out for education and all the focus it requires. Focus is not my strong suit. What the hell IS my strong suit, anyway? Oh well. So, I'm exploring other avenues. I sent in an application today for a part time job in a soon-to-be-opened stationery shop. I love stationery (which is odd, as I kind of hate writing letters), and the pay is decent, and the job starts after the holidays, so this is promising. Also, the children are not bugging me lately. I'm not sure whether to credit their actual behavior or lower standards on my part, but I'll take it.

Most of all, though, I'm just unseemingly gleeful about the bad-things-to-bad-people development. Take that!