Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Stop me before I go camping

So, I proved myself wrong about the outdoorsy stuff yesterday. Weather was perfect, children were good, boat ride was wonderful. Sadly, there was no time for fishing (yes!). I'm beginning to think that maybe it's not the outdoors in general that I hate so much but the extreme heat and bug populations endemic to my current home of Baltimore. Odd, though, to find out at this late date that something I've held to be self-evident about myself (that I loathe being outside) may be untrue, at least in some cases. I pushed my limits still further by going outside two days in a row - took the kids to the beach today and, gasp, had fun again. Possible explanations:

1) I really do hate being outside except: when the temperature is between 69 and 73, there are no bugs or clouds, there are no pretty people in skimpy clothing nearby. These past two days have been a fluke in that all of these conditions have been met.
2) I have been on this vacation for so long that I would no longer recognize my normal avenues of recreation if I ran into them on the street and have therefore of necessity started developing alternatives.
3) I have had so much to drink on this vacation that I've not only killed huge numbers of brain cells but have actually altered my fundamental personality (that is going to be hard to explain when I get home).

I do see on that it is 95 and humid in Baltimore, so I have a feeling I'll be driven back indoors shortly after returning home, which is good, because I'm afraid if I stay here much longer I'll go camping and then hell will freeze over and hurt those poor flying pigs.