Nutty nuthead - that's the three year old's favorite jokey name to call someone. This morning, he is a "growmup man" and is stomping around loudly and using a loud voice. He's been doing it for over an hour, but it's not getting old for either of us. It seems patently unfair that almost everything this child does amuses me, when I'm having such a hard time just tolerating his big brother. I wonder all the time, how much of it is built-in personality? How much is that I was an anxious, intense, overwhelmed first time mother with the big boy and irreparably screwed him up?
I didn't do resolutions for New Year's. I was so tired and angry, it just felt like another really long night. I won't do them now, either, not specifically for the new year, but I am trying to enjoy my kids more. Not just raise them or tolerate them or fix the things I've done wrong, but really absorb the quirky craziness of each age. I look at the twins and wonder how my big boys were ever this little and how the babies will ever be that big.
Trying to just plain enjoy my kids is one of my continuing goals too-- best of luck for both of us in the coming year!
This morning my Chica Poo was telling me (in a sad face) that "Owen, he no like me all the time, betuz, he no play a me all a time. I no like he no like me all the time. He duz not love me and I know betuz he no like me. I doan like him betuz he no love me all da time! .......Mama, ten Owen come to my burday party? I want to see him at my party betuz I am dOing to be a princess and will wear a crown too."
I see wedding bells in their future, I swear. our house we say, "You are a nutty nut nutball, you nutball you" Jasper says this all the time to his sister. I have to go now, I am being eaten by a squeaky killer whale.
Oh christ, now squeaky whale is nursing me.
Ouch. He has too many teeth. Yow-za.
I, too, want to just relax and enjoy my youngins. Good luck to all of us.
And hey, Cole, what's up with having to nurse inanimate objects? You're the former LLL leader--why does my son always want me to whip out my boob for his Matchbox cars?
Maybe Jasper can have a talk with Felix or something.
I don't know. Chica-Poo nurses stuff herself and always has. Jasper ALWAYS requested that I nurse his trucks, animals...whatever.
Chilren are on drugs.
How can you not love every thing that that nutty nuthead does? I know that I do!
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