Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am soooooooooo bored

And omg, it's heavenly. I've never been so happy to have nothing to do. I could clean or something, but sucky suck boy freaks out every time I get up, so really I can't. I don't even have to get up to eat junk food, because I already ate it all! That's me, baby, the queen of silver linings.

AND (man, I hate starting sentences with 'and,' and here I've done it twice), I went to the gym today. The gym we signed up for last Saturday and then avoided for five straight days. Now, I didn't work out or anything, but I did take the boys swimming, which exercises my body, my ability to maintain any self-esteem while in a swimsuit, and my patience, all at the same time.

AND. Speaking of swimsuits. I was getting ready to go to the gym when big boy got home from school (okay, okay, I had just gotten out of the shower. It wasn't my most productive day). I wanted to surprise him with the pool trip, because he's been asking to go all week, so I came downstairs in my swimsuit, expecting him to say "yay! we're going to the pool!" Instead, he babbled on about his school day and the science fair project he's working on and didn't give me a second glance. Finally, my mother said, "look at your mom, why do you think she's dressed like that?" My genius child answered, "she's going to go do ballet?"

Because I so often go balleting in the afternoon.

Ooo, Friends reruns on TBS! This is the best evening ever!


Anonymous said...

I told D this when I got off the phone with you and he cackled like a hyenna. Saying, "oh, yea, ballet, of course."

See you soon???


Tivoli said...

The boy is as sharp as a tack