I was so thrilled to return to new House episodes after the Christmas break (yes, thrilled is the correct word, and yes, I may need to get a life). Imagine, then, my disappointment when the mean announcer-dude said the next new episode would not come on for three more weeks.
Fast-forward to today - or, more accurately, the Today show, which informed me that the State of the Union address is tonight (it is possible that this information has been disseminated before and I just missed it). Skipping over all the reasons that I find any display by this president a grotesquerie, it is just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG to preempt this:
Fast-forward to today - or, more accurately, the Today show, which informed me that the State of the Union address is tonight (it is possible that this information has been disseminated before and I just missed it). Skipping over all the reasons that I find any display by this president a grotesquerie, it is just WRONG, WRONG, WRONG to preempt this:
for this:
By the way, I just discovered that doing a Google Image Search for "president bush" returns, among other things, a picture of a "super long turd" (the image poster's description, not mine). I've never thought of the president as being especially long in any way before, but it still made me laugh.
Stupid State of the Union.
Edited to add: What in the hell is wrong w/Blogger and its stupid formatting? I laid out these pics and my witty commentary in a very visually appealing way, but Blogger persists in imposing its own wacky formatting on it. Stupid Blogger.
Sure, blame Bush for no "House" but also blame stupid American Idol. Yes, I said it. Stupid American Idol. I'm probably the only one in America, but I don't like it, have never watched an entire episode and resent it for making me wait three weeks for my Hugh. Yes, MY Hugh.
Oh, I had to laugh. I saw you had a new post and figured it was the promised post in which you explain your dream, your life goals. And then I see a picture of Hugh. Heh.
See we're all waiting for the MLK post...
Do you know Bush has the lowest approval rating of any President within the last 50 years. Even lower than Nixon. Republican can't really argue their way out of that.
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