Friday, January 05, 2007

Big anniversary day

The twins are 6 months old today, and Matt Lauer has been on the Today show for 10 years. I just squandered my whole morning watching the tribute show, and now I'm weepy and maudlin. Only I could turn a show about Matt Lauer into something personal, a sign that my life is flashing by before my eyes. It doesn't help that they had the guy from Five for Fighting on to sing that "I'm 15 for a moment" song that always makes me tear up.

I can't believe it's been 6 months since the twins arrived, either. The week before their birth took more time than this past 6 months (and probably, improbably (ha!), involved more whining, too). They're such little people now, so different from each other and from the other kids. They're starting to think about sitting and crawling and eating proper food, and thinking about them (probably) being my last babies is enough to set off another crying jag. I may, just possibly, need a little more sleep.



Thank goodness girly got prettier. That newborn face caused me some concern.


Anonymous said...

Wot? Think about sitting?

I have witnessed...Min SITS. Alone...for a very long time. Girl a bit behind but almost right there.

They are funny and very different and very cute. There are very few people that could drool ( a lot) into my hair that I would not be kinda pissed at.

I love them (and you all) drool and all.