Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm such a failure

I don't want to go on and on (again) about how awful these babies are, how horrible it is living with no sleep and no hope, but I'm realizing now that they are almost EIGHT MONTHS OLD, and I have to be doing something terribly, terribly wrong.

Yeah. I just sat here staring at the screen, trying to think anything coherent to add or clarify, but I'm out. I feel like I'm dissolving, like what's left of who I used to be is disintegrating under the pressure of never resting, and I don't like who I am and I see no way back to who I was.


Anonymous said...

If you are doing something terribly wrong, well I did too. Twice. Of course I didn't have twins so I had a couple years of sleep in between my terrible sleepers. Guess I have nothing helpful to say. Just sympathy. Dude, you just get from day to day.

jackie said...

I felt the same way when my twins were eight months. Shit, the sleep deprivation is gone but sometimes I still feel the same way. I don't know if that's encouraging or not, but I'm sure it'll get better, um, someday?

CaliGirl said...

{{{{{{{big huge comforting hugs coming your way}}}}}}}}}

Anonymous said...

ok, did you write this before or after the buzz wore off. I can't do much about the sleep but I know first hand you are doing an amazing job. I don't know of many people who say their babies were wonderful sleepers. Mine was not!!! Don't ever question your ability as a mom, especially after an afternoon of happy hour because that would mean we had to stop and that would just add to our sadness. love ya

Anonymous said...

Should go visit with your in-laws for a couple of weeks.....let your mother-in-law worry about not sleeping and staying up with the twins.