Friday, February 09, 2007

I am, as my son would say, a secret spy

I think I am being conditioned, like a spy or a soldier or a mental patient, to sleep in small bursts whenever the opportunity arises and to function on levels of rest that would qualify as torture under the Geneva Convention (if the US actually recognized the Geneva Convention any more, that is). I got the nearest thing to no sleep one can get last night and was dropping by 2pm today. I got exactly 10 minutes of sleep during my abortive attempt at a nap, and now I am refreshed. Seems unlikely, but I'll take the feeling however I can.

I'm having a fun day anyway, partially because I have discovered a new online tool for helping me manipulate the numbers in my budget in a variety of ways in a futile effort to make income equal to or larger than outgo. Why it is so fun to confirm to myself over and over that we are poor, I have no idea. I do find more satisfaction in finding ways to be frugal than I ever did in blowing money on crap when I was younger and richer, which seems odd. I'm a real contradiction.

This is boring, I'm going to go try to find more stones from which to squeeze blood, I mean money. Starting with Comcast. Rat bastards charging an arm and a leg for broadband.