Monday, August 13, 2007


We made it to South Carolina yesterday with all 6 kids and didn't even need to use duct tape on anyone. Miraculously, every single one of them was good for the 11 hours it took us to get here, and I still like them all at the end of today, our first full day of vacation.

It's beautiful here. Every time we come to visit my in-laws, I think fleetingly of how nice it would be to live here, but then I spend five minutes on the road and realize I'd be in prison within a week. These are some seriously bad drivers, and not just bad but hellishly slow. My blood pressure goes up just thinking about it.

My step-daughter and I got our hair cut today. It's nice not looking like a female sasquatch, and my step-daughter can start fifth grade in two weeks without people thinking she keeps small nesting animals in her hair. Doesn't everyone drive 500 miles to get their hair cut? The twins are responding typically to change - my daughter is hamming it up and eating her weight in food at every meal, while my son clings desperately to my leg, refuses food, and longs for home.

And with that, Big Love is on. What could be better than this?


Anonymous said...

And a damn good Big Love it was too.

Anonymous said...

Aw! My poor baby boy! :(