Monday, August 11, 2008

Things That Are Weird

This is the first in a series - okay, who am I kidding, I have nothing like the perserverence to write an actual series, but let's play make-believe, shall we? - about things I find weird. I find a lot of things weird. Life is strange. One of the strangest things about being an atheist is that I don't see reason in anything, no overall pattern to tie all the weirdness together, and so things that seem normal at first glance, just because you're used to them, seem really bizarre and unlikely upon further inspection.

So, my first weird thing - beer. Not that I don't like beer, as you all know, so you can see from the beginning that weird does not necessarily equal bad. It's just strange, how we pay money and seek out this sort of foul-tasting, off-smelling liquid (when soda is so much more socially acceptable and more slowly damaging, biologically), when all we do with it in the best case scenario is convert it almost immediately into urine and in the worst case into vomit and urine. And yet, when you have had a day like mine, when your 7 year old has tried your patience for the 9,000th time and your patience has failed, no contest, you need the beer or you will run away screaming, will seek out hard drugs, will enter a life of crime or whatever it takes to get. the. fuck. away, you damn near worship the beer for its temporary reprieve, its dulling of life's sharp edges, its postponement of real life and real problems. Like I said, beer is weird.


Anonymous said...

Dude, WINE. Smells good, tastes good, relaxes and you can put it in a pretty glass.

Beer. More than strange. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I have begun a love affair with beer. Beer is good and I am much less likely to vomit in the morning. Love beer