Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My face is blurry

My friend's daughter spent a lot of time with her eyes open underwater yesterday, and emerged from the pool with the pink eyes of an easter bunny. She rubbed them and said, "my face is blurry," which I thought was the best description ever of that used-up raw itchy feeling. I felt that way myself on Saturday night, after powering through the new Twilight book. I love immersing myself so completely in a book that I feel like I'm waking up from someone else's dream when it's over, when my eyes are grainy and red from being submerged so long in a fictional universe. A lot of my 32-year-long writer's block is fear of trying, and failing, to bring my own imagination so tangibly and accessibly to life. It's too bad I can't just read fiction for a living, I'm one hell of a reader.


Anonymous said...

Did you see Stephanie Meyer on Sunday Morning last weekend? Good interview.