Friday, August 29, 2008

All politics, all the time

I bet the 7 of you who read this blog are really looking forward to the election being over, if only so I'll stop talking about it. Too bad for you all, I have 2.5 months left!

So, how's about that scary bitch of a VP candidate??? I think it says a lot about this country that the GOP chose someone with no experience, who is a right-wing psycho fascist, JUST because she's a woman and may steal some of the Hilary vote. I think it says even more about this country that they may actually be right, that Obama could lose just because some Hilary supporters are still so pissed off that their girl didn't win that they'll actually vote against their beliefs or stay home altogether. I hope hope hope Obama wins, but if he doesn't, the democrats will have screwed themselves again, by letting that primary go on to the point where the party is so divided it may sink its own candidate. I'm so proud to be part of this fucking moronic organization. And yet it's the better of the two choices.

Just wait, more commentary to come during next week's Karl Rove convention. Anyone else see the irony of a hurricane hitting New Orleans on the anniversary of Katrina, just as the republicans gather to promote a walking fossil and his affirmative action VP pick?


Anonymous said...

You go, girl! (I couldn't be prouder!)