Saturday, January 19, 2008

My husband thinks I'm insane

In my ongoing quest for ways to make myself a more appealing med school candidate, despite my sub-par undergrad GPA (what I'd really like to do is a Jedi-mind-trick-style wave of the hand and say, these are the grades you're looking for), I have been researching international volunteer opportunities. Not only would it be supercool to travel to unlikely places (Mongolia! Moldova! other random places starting with the letter M!), but I could learn interesting things, possibly actually help people, look good on my med school applications, and join the movement toward volunteer tourism (the Today Show said there is such a movement, so it must be true).

My favorite international volunteerism website so far is Projects Abroad - in addition to volunteer opportunities in healthcare, teaching, etc, you can choose to do immersion language in a foreign country. Now THAT would be awesome. I really want to actually speak Spanish, especially because I'm always called upon at the hospital to talk to the Spanish-speaking patients, even though my Spanish is so poor that the patients and staff alike mock my efforts (and yet I'm the best speaker we have, scary). So, now the idea has evolved into me and my husband taking a two week vacation to some lovely remote location to learn a valuable skill together. Romantic, right? Sadly, my husband isn't feeling the love. A few of his choicer comments, made after I mentioned Senegal as a possible destination (I'm afraid these may reveal some unfortunate cultural biases on the part of my husband, which is a little funny considering I had to tell him where Senegal is):

  • "Just what i wanted - a starving vacation where I don't understand anyone and I fear for my life."
  • "Where is your internet connection? 'Here, put your letter in this camel's hump.'"
  • "Hello, I am Keith. 'Hi, I'm Al, Al Queda.'"
He also tried to talk me out of my plan by asking if this was all in reaction to my aborted attempt, earlier in the day, to purchase some pretty clothes for my daughter on sale from Gymboree, home of strangely addicting and yet ridiculously priced children's clothing. He interrupted my discussion of the appeal of India to say, "would buying some red patent-leather shoes make this better?" I'm afraid we've passed the point where small red shoes can deter me. Although they are really cute, and I may have to get them also.

Other highlights of my day included a nap, a change from old pajamas to new pajamas (the hallmark of a truly decadent day), an abysmal failure in culinary adventure (don't ever try this recipe, it was putrescent), and a moment of agony in which I brilliantly poured boiling water not into the sink but rather onto my feet. Quite painful.

Off to peruse more volunteer websites. Can you hear my husband groaning?


Unknown said...

Hope you don't find this too weird, but i was led to your blog by this google alert thing i get at work - it searches for the words "Projects Abroad" written together. The reason is because i work for Projects Abroad over here in the UK - in fact I wrote the website that you were enjoying looking at - thank you for those kind comments :-)

Anyway, I wouldn't have written but the fact that you mentioned your medical school application AND Mongolia is bizarre because I have a medical school interview tomorrow, and part of what i will be talking about will be my experiences in hospitals in Ulaanbaatar (i went out there with the company last summer)!

I have to get back to preparing for this interview. but if you would like any more information, feel free to get in touch. my email is


Anonymous said...

wow - the internet is amazing.....

Anonymous said...

Um, your husband isn't the only one who thinks you are crazy. Adventurous and ambitious maybe, but crazy also. The six kids don't keep you busy enough you freak? :)

Laura said...

While you're in Mali, treating malaria, I'll be in Lutherville, stripping green wallpaper. Sigh.

Seriously,though,your ambition amazes me.