Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Big girl, big dreams

I have been completely unmotivated regarding weight loss this past year, due to a combination of extreme sleep deprivation and unintentional weight loss through breastfeeding. The weight loss has tapered off now, though (and actually reversed some over the holidays), and I'm temporarily food-averse because of this lingering nasty stomach bug, and it's New Year's, and The Biggest Loser is on (although I'm fairly certain I'm the biggest loser for watching it). So, now I'm thinking thin, or at least less thick. I'm even considering trying to start running, using one of those couch-to-5K programs. I know, it's madness.

While I'm being semi-resolute, here are some other self-improvement plans I've been mulling over from my invalid state on the couch this week:

  • Better parenting - I started the effort on this one tonight with new house rules and a clearly laid-out daily routine for Spazzy McGee my 6 year old.
  • Better organization - I bought a purse calendar and everything! I'm finally conceding that six kids plus no memory requires a written schedule.
  • Staying in touch - I need to make a better effort to let all of my friends know how much and how often I think of them, especially the ones I don't talk to often.
  • Scholastic perfection - This year kicks off my real push toward medical school, and I need to be as close to perfect as possible to make up for a rough undergraduate record.
I swear there were more - I guess I'm not really all that motivated to pursue them if I can't remember them, though. Can you believe it's 2008? I LOVE 2008!


Anonymous said...

Ha....Spazzy McGee. That is what we have been calling the Spawn...Toothless McGee. See , they are really long lost brothers from a different mutha.

