Saturday, March 17, 2007

Latching on

I know I've been slacking on posting, but it's been a fairly crappy week, and if you want to hear me whine you can always reread my previous 354 consecutive whiny-ass posts. Summary: van is out of shop after only 8 days in, new water heater is installed (and only cost a teency bit less than our honeymoon, which included a much larger quantity of hot water in the form of the Gulf of Mexico), approximately one half of the family is on antibiotics for reasons ranging from scarlet fever to sinus infection (although I did not pass the test and am suffering, as stoically as you might imagine, without benefit of prescription medication), and I am now 31 years old, blech. In better news - my husband starts his new job Monday (yay him!), my children are being generally not-sucky, and the twins have (knock on everything wooden) been sort of sleeping. Hurray!

As is my wont, I am latching on to a new obsession. At least it's not cloth diapers! Not that I'm not still obsessed w/cloth diapers, of course, but I have pretty much all I need for now and so have been casting about for something else to spend unreasonable amounts of time and money on. As my husband just said, when I latch onto something, I really mean it. Today's candidate is.....

Raising chickens. My husband has been lobbying for chickens for some time now, but I've been slow to see the light. Now that my eldest is at an age of quasi-reason and loves all things outdoors and alive, the time may be right. I must sign off now to research chicken coop building plans, but I leave you with a picture of my leading candidate, the Red Orpington:

Why yes, it has occurred to me that I'm insane, thank you for the suggestion.