Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm officially lazy. Also, I still hate George Bush.

My bloodwork from last week finally came back (and I only had to call the office three times - anyone have a primary care physician recommendation for me?), and everything was completely fine. I still feel like the victim of a slow-motion underwater mugging, but apparently I'm just really really lazy. I can live with that, I guess. This whole adventure has reminded me just how much I can't stand doctors, by and large. Kind of masochistic to want to be one, huh?

My big boy had a political discussion with two of his friends during carpool today - they were comparing notes on why George Bush is a bad guy. It's a little sad that the 6 year old set has it more together than the 30% of Americans still giving this yahoo an approval rating, isn't it? The latest in my personal loathing has to do with the opening of military airspace to facilitate holiday travel. It offends me that the White House doesn't even pretend to hide their own hypocrisy. We're in constant and imminent danger from terrorism, to a degree that requires us to suspend the Geneva convention, wage preemptive war, and invade citizens' privacy, but Thanksgiving travel transcends our need for secure airspace? It's like the last vestige of an actual defensive military has now been removed - our military is now officially only for offense. As long as no one's late for dinner tomorrow, I guess our security doesn't matter that much after all. And of course, we have to advertise the opening of the airspace. I sometimes get the feeling that the whole crowd running the country right now are thumbing their collective nose at the rest of the world, including and maybe especially American citizens.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

When I heard that I thought it had to be a mistake and I must have mis heard the radio announcer or something.

For gosh's sake....I think any candidate looks good in comparisson and that worries me with this new election coming up. I think it would be just great to just not have bush so , ick, what will the next one do? How much can they undo? What will and should be the right course for our country now. I feel sometimes that it might be so fucked up that it beyond the point of return.


OH, and don't for get Jefferson and MLK...they were great too.

Megan said...

Eh, don't kid yourself. The last time our military was used for defense was....WWII? Plus I like offense. I get bigger raises. I say let's bomb those pesky Canadians. We just can't change the title from Department of Defense (DOD) to Department of Offense because the acronym would suck. ; - )