Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I feel the inexorable tug of depression, the dark promise it holds to wrap me up in warm darkness.  I fight it by inches, never gaining on it but keeping it from swallowing me whole.  The hardest times are when I can't remember why the fight is worth it, when it seems that depression is not the pathology it has become but another word for realism.  This is my life.  There's no reason to expect it to get better, and it could certainly be worse.  Maybe the idea that happiness is achievable, even an entitlement, is the real pathology.  Why should I get happiness?  The biggest mistakes I've made were things I did in an effort to push back the bleakness and grab my piece of joy.  I think the better option may be to strive for acceptance rather than happiness.  This is it, this is all there is; and yet, I watch the people around me live their lives with passion and energy.  In my lighter moments, I look for hope in their example, but right now their efforts seem futile, their hopes sad in light of their inevitable frustration.


blahblahblah said...


you are writing your blog again. holyshit. (i keep typing hody, instead of holy...der.)

I ALMOST deleted you off my list cause you hadn't written in like a year! But, look, hey you're writing. I am commenting. Well, I am not really. I'm, um, I don't know the word for it.

BUT HEY, look, you're writing.

Buck up, hang in there baby, blahblahblah.

The world spins around, hang on. You have got a decent chunk of it, chew on it. It'll go down eventually.

See, look how cheerful I am?
