Sunday, September 11, 2005

Another overdue update

My friend Yvette is nagging me to write more, so here I am writing, despite a distinctive lack of things to say. Blame her if this is more than usually boring.

I'm slowly weaning myself off of 24 hours Katrina news coverage and trying to find more constructive things to do with my life. In the same Katrina vein, though, now that the Red Cross has called for 40,000 volunteers, I really want to go. Anyone out there want to watch my kids for 3 weeks?

My boys both started preschool last week. I'm just starting to realize how liberating this could be. My big boy is in school for 2 hours every afternoon, at the same time as the little guy's nap. Two hours, 5 days a week, all to myself. I already have a mental list of projects to do, but I think we all know napping will trump project on many occasions.

Other upcoming events - my baby's turning 2 on Friday, which seems wrong and impossible. He's becoming such a person, even if he is still mute. He's an excellent mime, so communication is less of a problem than you might imagine. The week after his birthday, I leave for Italy - I'm about equal parts excited and terrified. I know it will be an amazing experience, but it sort of feels like amputation not to see my kids for 11 days. Oh, and that man who lives here, too.

So, Yvette, there's an update. I'll try to think of some entertaining stories and come back soon.


MamaNiger said...

I want more too... post something.