Wednesday, March 05, 2008

He really IS an alien

I took the 4 year old with me to pick up the big boy from school today. Big boy read his reading homework on the drive home, while 4 year old quietly listened from the back. All of a sudden, and apropos of nothing at all (not what big boy was reading, not any previous discussion, not a TV show, nothing), the 4 year old yelled out in evident frustration:

"When am I ever going to get my tail????"


Anonymous said...


I will enjoy our holiday dinners to come when he marries the Chica.

Anonymous said...

I love that boy!

Megan said...

Tell him he's not going to get ANY tail for at least another 10 years!

Anonymous said...

Just because Tiv is here does not mean you don't have to post.

and thanks for the offer. I have stored in my brain for future meltdowns.