Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Feeling like a real live girl

You know, like in Pinocchio (wow, I spelled that all kinds of wrong at first, thank goodness for google)? "I'm a real boy!" Well, that's me - a real girl, that is. The September ramp-up period is nearly over, and the family is in full schedule mode now, and it feels really good to have outside interests to break up some of the 24/7 giving that is life with small children. I'm settled into my class now and I think I'm actually doing a decent job. It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be - I hope they give me another section or two next semester, too. And I started my hospital volunteering this week. After a couple hours of running around for badges and paperwork and TB tests and scrubs and badges again and scrubs again and paperwork again, I finally got to start in the real live Trauma PACU today, and it was really cool. I'm volunteering at a teaching hospital, so they're used to having to explain things, and everyone was really nice, and I'm really looking forward to going again on Friday. Plus! I got to wear scrubs! (Picture, including extra chins and missing top-of-the-head, courtesy of little boy):

Also - little boy's birthday went splendidly, big boy is having his tonsils out next Wednesday (gulp), and gorgeous fall weather has arrived. The best part of the fall weather has to be the new outfits for the babies (not the best expressions, but check out the shoes!):

Little boy got some awesome new hand-me-downs, too:

And yes, the still-nameless kitten is still alive! I think he may be down a couple lives, though.


Anonymous said...

Oh look it is Chica. ha.

Cookie, the cats name is cookie, as in "Hey lady, you wanna cookie, er, I mean cat?"

I am glad you saved him though. He is cute, cute. And B is in Chica head to toe, no? I loved those jeans on my girl and they look mighty cute on the B.

Anonymous said...

OH and are you at my hospital??? Cause I am there on Fridays and take lunch about noonish.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention...MEDIUM scrubs, you look great.

How about Mocha?...Midnight? No Darth?